Registry Of Estate

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The Registry of Estate held by the Registrar of Bodies, overseen by the Council of Governors, contains the most complete list of titles based upon legitimate provenance. Of course, there are plenty of disputes over title and the Council of Governors does not adjudicate them. Instead, the Registrar has established the protocols required for official transfer or recognition and it is up to parties to submit written instruments of transfer for the provenance to be updated. It maintains a small court of scholars to investigate forgery, but as part of the process setup when the Commission for Resettlement of Orion's Arm (CROA) was still the name used by the Council of Governors, all immortals who wished to participate in the land grant system were required to provide their signature to origination documents in the Registrar of Stars, Planets, Moons, Asteriods and other Galactic Bodies (name since shortened).